Tuesday, October 17, 2006


lol im not going to kill it. i guess everyone's right. dont need to kill it and just continue blogging. so i hav decided to START A NEW BLOG! zzz no lifer. so with my proded lameness, uh i made a riddle so that u can find the new blog.

epitath to the dieded blog:

my blog has just died, to many it would seem,
just like a "lonely snowflake", lost in a dream
but hidden in the tapestry, a jutting out seam,
a clue which shines brighter than light from a beam

all the stories u see here are very very lame
some are still alright, but most are much better to flame
i changed the url, it's my fault, thus i'll take the blame
so don't just treat this like a joke, treat it like a game.

let's go back to nursery, the letters that u learnt,
and think about campbell soup, your tongue it always burnt.
the first word starts with "h", and ends with the letter "t",
you burnt your tongue by just consuming word number 3
and word 2 it starts with "a" and also ends with "t"
to solve this word you'll need to know your "a", "b" and "c",
word 3 is easy to solve, it's something you can scoop,
starts with "s" and ends with "p", it rhymes with the word "loop".

so if you've found the link, i think u deserve a ginko*,
congratulations to you, you've won the game bingo!

*note gingkos are eaten to improve intel

xd so pro! yah so if u can guess then u go to my new blog and tag on the board first, u win an ICECREAM!

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 12:57 PM

Monday, October 16, 2006


i dont know whether to delete. to delete or not. TO DELETE OR NOT!

(emo post 2)

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 1:29 PM

Sunday, October 15, 2006

last phailure post

haiz my taggy is getting flamed.

My AL stories hav incured the wrath of yudong and han who are pissed cos it is a pirated version of their ALpg.

"whats the point of blogging?" i blog to write stories about my life. its fun. i hav no idea y weirong is pissed. if wat i write pisses pple off then its better not blogging. afterall weirong say i phail at blogging. i cant write. i feel sad now. i cant complain cos his blog is beter than mine. i dont think anyone wants to read anymore. i guess i shall delete this blog in 2 days time then. this will be my first emo entry and my last (lol emo pun). and anyway there are so many new blogs so it wont make a difference. maybe i might start blogging again some other time.

xd byebye thank u for visiting and tagging and bearing with my lame crap. it has been fun :)

its going to die in 2 days so pls say your last byebyes.

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 6:38 PM

Friday, October 13, 2006

first day of CT

LOL. today was our first 2 CT papers. English and chinese.ooo.i had spent a few days studying the stupid ci2 yu3 when it was only 5 marks!!! i was like wth! 4 days of studying, i know some pple who dont even need to study and get all correct, and all it is is 5 marks. not even 10? and then i got 1 wrong. so 4 marks? WASTE OF TIME MAN!!! and the 造句 so hard. 切磋 who go mug 切磋. i should hav memorised the 造句. i actually stuied it but ignored the thingy. damn. so i wrote: (uh i think got problem seeing the chinese characters)


that is soooo off. and for 自相矛盾, i go write:


zzz. but the close passage and comprehension were relatively easy.

english was fine. good thing i didnt study anything but court trial. and yuhsuen told me to pump EVERYTHING into shylock, meaning his character and memorise all shylock quotes.

"to bait fish with AL, if it will feed nothing, it will feed my revenge!!! yarrr i so fat!"

disclaimer: the ALnother story series are not part of the original ALpg so i am most sorry for anyone who has been hurt and distressed due to this lack of information. i do not belong to ALcorp and so am not under the jurisdiction of dongdong.

and the funny happening of the day. WE HAD 1 hour recess. yay so then we all went to rjc to eat recess. rjc was having open house and so A LOT of pple were everywhere. the best part was that they got a milo van!!! yay free milo for everyone. zm was a bit uh high yah. rjc was flooded pple. so then on some super random note. zm tell wr to go climb over the railing. now u see the railing isnt blocking anyone. u can just walk AROUND the railing. it takes 3 steps to walk AROUND the railing. so i hav no idea y they climbed. so then wr taller mah so he climb fast. then zm was trying to jump over it at one go. many failed attempts cos maybe it is a bit high. and just when he was about to climb over, a teacher walks by and asked zm infront of EVERYONE (including the flood of girls) y he doesnt want to walk around the railing which would only require 3 steps. LOL zm got super embarrased and walk around the railing which took him 3 steps.

on another super jack note, we all bought the mixed rice store and were sitting down when this guy suddenly laughed and shouted damn loud throughout the whole canteen, "HAHA HE GO AND BUY MILO!"! lol jack man. theres a milo van parked there and here is a guy who buys canned milo from the machine. lol.

on another super yummy note, nige brought brownie samples! owned. they were so good. homemade and chewy and crispy and nutty. YUM! nige said it was for all of us to sample so that next time his sister will sell us.

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 6:38 PM

Thursday, October 12, 2006

yet ALnother story (ALpg)

seeing that the last ALpg was a fALure, ALpg presents yet ALnother story.

The Great ALscape

mission: AL is a prisoner in ALcatraz, just off the coast of cALifornia.

In the previous ALpisode, the ALl-knowing ALder of the ALqaeda had sentenced AL to being an ALmo. AL was thrown into the sALvation army when they found him lying on the road side on Elm (ALm) street. a snatch thief raided sALvation army and found AL inside the "to be shipped to ALaska". he was caught red handed trying to steal the ALmo and he was thrown in ALcatraz, bringing ALmo along.

ALcatraz prison was cold and desolate. they taught u the ALphabet, let u read ELLE (AL) magazine, ALso allowed u to wear cALvin klein underwear. but life was terrible. until ALmo realised that the prisoner to the cell on his right was ALctually the ALqaeda ALder. OH KNOWS WAT AL DOS? AL thot, i hav to get out of this cELL (AL). hmm. then AL go say to the ALder, "hey, i know u from the ALumni of ALqaeda! y dont u turn me to an ALbatross?" so the ALder did ALbacadabra! and ALmo became an ALbatross. "HAHAHA! AL-O-AL-Z u nubcake! i can go free now by flying through the window grA(i)L at the top!" so ALbatross became very ALrrogant and just as he was about to ALscape, he got shot by a SU-100 AL gun (a reAL type of gun) and died. u know who die? AL die!

more ideas? diAL my home!

more scandALous stories: AL and the love triALngle, involving TKAL, itALia and ALrika

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 6:36 PM

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

ALnother story 1 (ALpg)

if anyone here is clueless, ALpg (Always Lose Playing Game), has appointed me to make up ALnother storys. ALpg is still in its ALpha stages.

In this ALnother story, AL takes on the role of president ALgor of ALmerica. He owns an ALroplane, ALso known as AL-Force 1.

AL's mission? To ALradicate ALl ALqaeda ALl (ALliteration) over ALgeria.

AL flies to ALgeria to confront the ALl-knowing leader of the ALmonds, a rebAL gang. Just when he lands, he meets face to face with the ALl-knowing leader. It is the ALpocalypse. maybe i spelt it wrong. ALny way, AL also doesnt know his ALphabet. ALright lah, its a bit unfair, but AL has no ALternative. he fALed the last time. ALvil has to triumph over greater evil. the leader says "AL-O-AL-Z (dune)". AL uses ALgebra to cALculate the ALngle at which he will ALcupuncture the ALmpits. He takes Alm and ALmost hits. unfortunately, he hits the ALqaeda's ALtar. OH KNOWS WAT AL DOS? he has made an ALrror. i mean wat ALse can he do? ALmost hit but ALmost is never a most. Alright lah, give him some credit lah, he hit the ALtar. the leader gets pissed and ALbacadabra! he turns AL into a Jessica ALba! wait no but AL ALways complains. AL complains. bad mistake. he become ALmadillo. he complain again. bad ALrror. the leader says ALbacadabra! and poofs him into ALmo! at least Jessica ALba was ALright.

However, ALl good things must come to an end. AL has lost the mission. AL fALed. ALmost is never most. AL MAN!

ALso, more stories coming to u ALnother time: AL in the ALps and AL <3 itALia

If u have ALny ALstounding ideas, pls cALl me. thanku

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 10:25 PM

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


google has officially bought youtube for 1.6 billion! so now like google owns everything nice. yay. goo google! i bet they going into swimwear soon. goggle! or gossip paparazi magazines like goggler. or maybe blogging like googler. or they might just buy over the game boggler. or create mattresses like snoogler. or go into baking and make apple shroodlers. i shall stop fantasizing.

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 10:56 PM


the tale of the 93. this is a true life story.

one day, jon65, living in the alternate reality of dimension 634, happened to study in RI, a mythical school in a magical land called Singapore. on this very day, he was held back after school to go listen to lectures. jon65 was dying of hunger. but wait no jon65 had to live. or else jon0balls-jon999999balls would all die. so then jon perseveres. finally it ends. jon65 had to go home. he was dying.

so jon65 goes to the bus stop with joel60 and rus23. just as they are crossing the road, 157, the legendary bus number that would bring u to Greater Clementi, passed by. jon65 suaned them and laughed. rus23 gets pissed. so joel60 says lets have ice-cream, my treat. so they all buy 60 cents icecream. and the auntieatthecounter39 says goodafternoon. so joel60 says goodafternoon too. just as they walked out of the kiosk, they see 93, the rustic pass by. and so joel60 and rus23 laugh at jon65.

all of them go to the bus stop. the ice cream drips continuous. then another 157 comes. joel60 and rus23 dont flag it cos they havent finished their icecream. jon65 laughs. they force jon65 to skip a 93 too. budden in a few minutes another 157 comes. NOW A TOTAL OF 3 157s IN LESS THAN 15 MINUTES! jon65 gets pissed. they leave without him. jon65 is still waiting for 93. YET ANOTHER 157 flies by. and jon65 waits and waits. zzz. the ice cream that has dripped on the floor has evaporated. it has been 40 minutes. ANOTHER BLAH DI 157 goes by!!! nerf! jon65 is about to kill himself. finally a 93 comes after 50 minutes.

5 157s in between 2 93s = no logic

sbs should give a 157 bus to 93.

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 4:47 PM

Monday, October 09, 2006


woo nige commiting suicide. children do not learn this. this is a bloody camera trick. literally. BLOODY.

if u cant see the video due to youtubes problems, uh go to http://www.youtube.com/v=29pkxi6z780. vid uploaded by nige

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 10:36 PM

p.e. on mondays

haiz. morning assembly ended super late again. on monday just before p.e. and then our block is so damn far. its like 4 minutes to run there. 2 minutes to climb the stairs. 5 minutes to change. 2 minutes to run down. 4 minutes to run back to astro. and we were released at 8+ cos there was
a new rule that pple had to go pick up their bags from the steps before we could go. meaning that we left astro at 8.00.

you know the second floor when u go below the clock tower, water was dripping from the top so i pushed a rubbish bin below it cos it was splashing everywhere. then i got flamed lor. lol. nige poked my head. han say wat happen if it fill until rubbish bin overflow and then whack my tummy and ben was saying i was spastic. zzz. that took 1 minute. and we were strolling back so that took 6 minutes. so in total. lets count.

8.00 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 4 = 8.20

woops it didnt add rite. so anyway well we reach astro at 8.15+. and mr eng wasnt there! he went to check on his class to see who got gastric flu. so that meant when he went down and then ask us to go get equipt and do all the stuff, it was 8.30 liddat. then the astro was sooo crowded
that we only got one small space. meaning that only 1 match could be played at a time, so only 2 matches!!! nerf. and that was our last softball lesson! nerf again. p.e. on mondays are sad.

quote of the day: [when mr eng say got no more p.e. after monday, and nige said why? mr eng said]

"why? why? u are high in the sky, got bird sh*t in your eye!" LOL owned

nowadays teachers like to say sh*t. whenever we talk, mr jee calls it verbal diarrhea. and said we could not eat and sh*t at the same time.

sad fact of the day:

from now on, we cannot go to rjc for recess liao as we will be late.

everyone repeat after me 10 times:

from now on, we cannot go to rjc for recess liao as we will be late.
from now on, we cannot go to rjc for recess liao as we will be late.
from now on, we cannot go to rjc for recess liao as we will be late.
from now on, we cannot go to rjc for recess liao as we will be late.
from now on, we cannot go to rjc for recess liao as we will be late.
from now on, we cannot go to rjc for recess liao as we will be late.
from now on, we cannot go to rjc for recess liao as we will be late.
from now on, we cannot go to rjc for recess liao as we will be late.
from now on, we cannot go to rjc for recess liao as we will be late.
from now on, we cannot go to rjc for recess liao as we will be late.

fun fact of the day: green tea effect causes global warming.

note: its "house" instead of "tea". in fact green tea "cools" u down.

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 6:50 PM

Sunday, October 08, 2006

instant noodle guide

i hav decided wat im going to be.heck the oscar thingy. they said i could only get some potato head job like visual arts exhibit guy. ??? who wants to stand beside a sculpture which isnt even your work and tell everyone how pro it is?

so i shall be as follows:
1. chef (20-until i want to stop)
2. director XD (alongside being a chef)
3. interior designer (30+?)
4. teacher (retired)

yah jobs that dont get u big bucks. but i dont care. i want to be a cook. i hav mastered the art of instant noodles and omelette.

step-by-step 101 how to cook instant jon noodles for dummies (clones can understand this too)

1. take a packet of noodles
2. open the packet of noodles
3. take out the noodles
4. take out the seasoning
5. if there are 2 packets of seasoning, take both out
6. get a big pot
7. fill the big pot with tap water
8. on the stove
9. light the stove
10. put the big pot of water on top
11. let the water boil
12. wait
13. still wait
14. wait longer
15. wait until bubbles form and pot lid is shaking
16. toss the noodles into the boiling pot
17. close the lid
18. 2wait
19. 2still wait
20. 2wait longer
21. wait until the noodles look yellow and shiny
22. get a long chopstick and prod the noodles
23. prod
24. still prod
25. prod more
26. prod until the noodles is breakable
27. get a megachopstick
28. take out a big blue bowl
29. pull out all the noodles in the pot into the big blue bowl
30. pour away the remaining noodly water
31. fill the big pot again with tap water
32. put it back on the stove
33. let the water boil
34. 3wait
35. 3still wait
36. 3wait longer
37. 2wait until bubbles form and pot lid is shaking
38. pour in all the seasoning (tasting might be required if u dont like it salty)
39. pour the soup into the big blue bowl
40. get a pair of matching blue chopsticks

[egg extras]

41. if u want egg, then go fridge get one
42. crack it over the pot during the soup stage
43. be sure not to crack the shells in
44. and poof u hav uh white stuff floating around

[vege extras]

45. if u want vege, then go fridge get some
46. dump it into the pot during soup stage
47. cover lid
48. 4wait
49. 4still wait
50. 4wait longer
51. remove it and put into your big blue bowl
52. AND EAT!!!

how to cook instant noodles (concise version)

all u need are steps 7, 11, 16, 29, 31, 33, 38, 39

yay. my first recipe. i think if i do enuf, i can make a cookbook. zzz. i shall end my dummy guide. more posts later for more guides for dummys (clones can understand too). i shall make a director and interior designer guide too. or wait maybe i can be a guide maker!!! yah man. so now i hav 5 jobs in mind.

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 2:37 PM

@#^%$&*)! internet down again

biang leh. im pissed. MY INTERNET IS DOWN AGAIN!!! im going to kill someone. like singtel. damn the construction. i bet they cut another singtel wire.

internet is going down down, its getting more unsound (me new song)

so alas its back to notepadder.i hav started mugging! xd yay for me. so now its super boring and i hav nothing to say cos mugging is boring. something is wrong with my browsers. whenever i click a link, like 50% chance it will close my browser? it all started when i tried to click zm's link to ragnarok wisdom. i hav no idea y my internet so screwed.

but i guess its a sign. maybe God doesnt want me to waste so much time playing or using the internet. still it is now dying on a weekly basis. i might go be a hubber.

read below's post on my new instant noodle guide.

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 2:37 PM

Friday, October 06, 2006

gold for play

yay. we found out today that our play got gold!!! so now everyone is happy and we are ALL going to get 4.0 for english! and we have to perform again. problem is that our props are in very bad shape and we have to find some way to repair them. and yuhsuen our main character is going china? so now he has to us his parents to let him stay back in singapore for a short while more. and ms hanna decided to treat us to lunch! now i dont need to treat everyone to lunch.

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 5:09 PM

Thursday, October 05, 2006

clone movie 1

ooo im trying out youtube's blogger service. this vid was posted by nige. more coming soon to your nearest class room. note: edits to previous post. mrs yak's son went to jeremy, not wedgie. im stil trying to find the chair pics. new link: JARRELL!

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 10:47 PM

the BIG move

today was the big move.yup we were going to the rajaratnam block.the super chaoji huge white block. but im going to miss our classroom. especially the board at the back with all the craters in the wall, the highest dangling deco that we used to kick, the aircon with all the junk, the projector, the ohp with the screwed up lighting. to commemorate this sad day where we leave our old classroom, ben and chester created a monumental statue using some tables and all the chairs. then we took a class pic. i shall upload it later.

give 1 minute of silence as we mourn the loss of our old classroom.
-------------- 1 minute of silence -----------------

and then to our new classroom. its at the 5th storey and they dont allow us to use the elevator. grrr. when u think about it, it might not seem high budden during science when i went to get the adaptors from the physics lab, u know how bloody long i took to get there? down 5 storeys, run across carpark, run through admin block, climb up to reach physics lab, run back down, through admin block, across carpark, run back up 5 storeys. ITS BLOODY FAR! and it was right after p.e. we shall mourn the loss of energy in my legs. however, the best part is the food vans. they park right downstairs us!!! yippe for food.

but its super white and dusty. when we were doing the cheer, i was just stomping up and down and this created a dust storm. NERF! and when we sat down to eat, our asses became super white. and the water coolers taste of cement. but the new toilets are super cute. and in our class, everything has windows. its like see through. now we cnat change in class. so we had a bright idea and went to the 2 project corners at the back. its so cool. 2 sound proof rooms linking us to 2M. and so we were changing in there when we realised that it has windows 360 degrees. and then in 2M, ms hanna is looking. NERF AGAIN! and now we dont hav a console. teachers hav to bring thier laptops around.

today, a lot of pple passedby our class and made funny faces and wierd hand gestures. mr jee got pissed so he made a gun shape with his hands and "bang", he blew their heads off. so farni. he was like super random. "talk talk talk about maths paper" then "BANG!". LOL

thank u all for writing the nice stuff. but then 3/4 of the papers were "clone". zzz then mrs yak gave us ice-cream and biscuits. and she made me bring all the rubbish down cos she said it we musnt let anyone see we hav been eating in the new classroom. everyone was throwing the fish cookies up and catching it with their mouths! so i brought the 2 bags of rubbish down. AND I FORGOT TO TIE THEM when i put them into the bin. so 10 minutes later after i ran down and up the 5 lvls, jiahui calls me to tell me that there are ice cream wrappers and sticks strewn ALL over the floor downstairs. NERF! i forgot to tie it up. and the wind was so strong that it blew all of them out. and THE MOST RANDOM THING HAPPENED.

when wedgie was picking up the wrappers, he said pple were wondering where we bought the icecream from. then mrs yak's son went up to jeremy (edit) and asked where they sold ice-cream!!! HAHAHAHA!!! her own son asked some other guy where to buy the ice-cream? then wedgie told him it wasnt for sale. LOL super funny.

i am a clone. SO NOT! ha i jacked u all by making u think that i thought that i was a clone! we decided to do one more movie, our class being the cloning facility. THE ATTACK OF THE CLONES...coming to your nearest local classroom.

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 6:28 PM

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

bishan gay adventure 2

today was re congress so it was super slack. we didnt have to bring anything to school. so we just watched presentation after presentation lor. and we got so bored, ken me nige and isaac played the thumb game. u know the thumb game? and we played it over and over again. and then this teacher called for my name in LT3. "can kenneth goh, chester and jonathan ti... uh no i think its li no tian pls come down." so i went down then kenneth told me dont need me liao so i went up. good thing i did cos all he did was give out prizes and ring the stupid bell.

(see nige i paragraphed ^^) thumb game: pretend u hav 2 pple. so 4 thumbs in total. so u can say any number from 0 to 4. if the thumbs put up is the number that u guessed correct. then u remove one hand. so that it is down to 3 thumbs meaning (0-3). and so on so the person with no thumbs left wins.

(see nige i paragraphed ^^) anyway after that we went to j8. and ate lunch at long john silver. and we got the corner glass seats where u could see everyone outside. so then we were waving and then tim goes and bets that for every girl i wave to, he'll give me $2 if they wave back and everytime they dont, i give him $1. but obviously i dont dare so like i was losing $10 liao.i mean thats just gay. fine i phail at waving. and then tim bets with me to go wave to the bishan gay. so we went to kfc to look for him and he wasnt there. then just as i said "where is he when we need him", he walks by us and smiles. uh... so then tim looks at him and gets this brilliant idea. he walks to the bishan gay and waves. wow. that was so stupid. and the gay looks at him shocked and then smiles again. so we all wanted to take 156 but now that tim had encouraged the gay, we all decided to walk to take 93. then just as we were walkign away from j8, we see the bishan gay board 13. and we are like yay! we can take 156. so then we go ladida. and then just when 13 is leaving, tim waves at the gay again, this time greeted with a big WIDDDE smile. wow tim thot he saw the last of him.

(see nige i paragraphed ^^) so we waited for 156. and it came. and so joel suggests we start waving at random pple thru the bus windows. so we are doing that stupid thing and as we come to the ri bus stop OMGGFGG we see the bloody gay. we were waving and i think he thot i waved at him. I MEAN HE JUST GOT ON 13 AND NOW HE BOARDS OFF 1 BUS STOP LATER AND TAKES 156? damn him. stupid tim. nwo the bishan gay misses tim and decides to board the bus with us. and tim sees the gay and freaks out like siao. he goes and hides at the back of the bus. and then tim decided we hav to take 93 to get away. but i was afraid the gay would come down with us again. so tim stands up and the gay recognises him and now its the gay's turn to smile. tim gets off the bus and seeing that the gay not following tim, i quikly choing out!!! stupid tim. so now zeb and joel are stuk on the bus with the gay.

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 4:04 PM

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

omg internet NOT down

YAY MAN ITS NOT DOWN! MY INTERNET IS FIXED! so i hav just spent the last few minute uploading 4 posts that i have been blogging in notepad! zzz sorry for the lack of posts cos my internet has been down. SINGTEL!!! yar so now its fixed. so if u got time, the 4 posts are all super long cos without internet i cant do anything so i had no choice but to write, in notepad. so read from OMG INTERNET DOWN: friday september 29th onwards. i should create something called "notepadder". yay i copyright. u hav no right to write this liao.


diao has gained inspiration from the ISLAND's Lincoln 6 Echo and so has decided to come up with clone names.

Jon 0 Balls

Kenneth 1 Jiaying

Jiahui 2 pro

Ken <3 Erik

Al 4 president

- we dont have a 5 -

Kenneth T. 6 maniac

Kenneth T.'s (k nvm this one was too sick)

Isaac 8 Japvan

we screwed up in today's english presentation. chance and fate is a horribly debatable topic. i mean like in fate, u have choices that u make, but then the higher authority already knows wat choices u are going to make so the fixed future is fate whereby the choices u make are predestined. in chance, nothing is for sure. it is an endless tree growing out. so u see, our topic sux so it is not our fault. *shields from endless flames*

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 4:41 PM

OMG INTERNET DOWN: monday 2nd oct

super freak unreal day. we watched the Island for philo. its a really good show about these clones who dont know they are clones who are isolated in this australian desert. they live in this fake environment where they think everything is so nice and all and so they are cloned and grown until they are the same age as the organ recepient. so they will be sent upstairs and killed after the organs or babies are taken out. its like super sad. its called the lottery. in fact, everything to do with lotteries are sad. the short story "the lottery" means that when u win it, u die. same case in the Island. they announce that u get to go to the Island cos u won the lottery and just when u think u are going there, they kill u. there isnt even an island. wat a scam. they live in some holographic world. and the clones are created and stored in plastic wraps. machines implant memories into their heads and they are "born" and do some work before they have to die for their organs. its a super sad thing.



so there.

and then the coincidental thing happened in my life. i know ive said that at least 4 times. but there always happens to be something more and more coincidental each time. my life is so coincidence BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN IM A CLONE! so anyway remember the super random kid i was talking about on sunday? the "meow" guy. yah u wont believe wat happened. i went to mark's house to do the englihs presentation. it was quite late already so we rushed there. we were doing our work upstairs and when we came down for food, i saw a kid sitting at marks dining table doing work. and mark's mum was tuitioning him. so i asked mark who it was and mark said that that was his cousin. so i didnt bother about him. we ate BACON WITH CEESE BISCUITS! i was born to eat this biscuit. well anyway so we were fooling around and ben spilled ribena on kens sock, ken ate 5 milo chocolates at one go, daniel ate the cheese biscuits and mark was eating lollipop. so i as i passed by the table, i saw a side view of the cousin's face and i was like omg. i stopped and looked at it again. it was adrian. it was the MEOW KID! OMG NERF. wait no i wasnt sure. his shirt was different. i go behind the table to see wat is at the back of his shirt. WAT THE CRAP! ITS THE MEOW! and then he started realising that i was looking at his shirt. so he look up to me and then he was like O__O expression. i freaked out too. i said "are u adrian" and then mark's mum says he is then i was liek OMG! wat are the chances that u met a guy for the first time yesterday and u meet him again today. no u dont meet him in public. u meet him in your classmate's house, u meet him in marks house and hes mark's cousin! I MEAN LIKE THAT IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE! OMG! impossible. budden diao still doesnt understand the coincidental nature of this cos its just so bloody rare but he still doesnt think this is so cool. and he lives next to mark!? i mean think about the chance rate.

reasons y it is so coincidental:

1. i met him for the first time yesterday
2. he is in my church
3. he striked my as some random kid
4. so i forgot about him
5. then i meet him again today (almost impossible)
6. i meet him at marks house (totally impossible)
7. he was at the house from 4-7 (even more totally impossible)
8. he is mark's cousin (COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE)
9. he is mark's neighbour too (OMG NERF IMPOSSIBLE)

u see. its so impossible. IVE DONE IT AGAIN. i have met the most impossible coincidental thing in my life. i shall have to determine whether this is chance or fate...

zzz still got atomic bomb to chiong

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 4:07 PM

OMG INTERNET DOWN: sunday 1th oct

october liao!!! and my internet is still down dammit. ggrrr. im going to whack someone.

today was children's day. and in my church, the sec 1 and sec 2 classes had to help the primary skool kids play games. there were some stupid games. like uh draw a picture and then everyone names it. or like everyone put a cup on your head filled wiht water and walk to the end and pour it in a bottle. or a lot more lame games. but it was better than sitting in service listening and sleeping.

the kids in our group were from p1 to p6. as in we had 1 from each lvl to make it ba. or else those with all p6 too imba liao. so then got this p3 kid. hes like super random. he comes to the table and sits. then we ask him where he come from. then he said "dont kill animals". i was like... uh then i see his shirt and it has these cats. and at the back of the shirt got "meow". LOL so kevin but this kid was damn farni. he would go walk up to this girl and say "oink" and "pig". so my group name was 'grace'. so they were making a cheer and then i ask them find rhyming words. he goes like "i can find grace, it comes from space and pigs can fly" WTH!@?? i bet hes got a randomizer in his brain. but hes super funny.

i wanted to put these pics up long ago but had no time. this is a super cool carplate. matthew, abel and i saw it during recess parked in the carpark. i bet the kids got a hand in picking the car plate. lol. SFU1337r= shut **** up LEET(e)R. SO COOL!

and then i finally uploaded the ball that tim and i spent hours of effort. i found the floorball downstairs and so picked it up. then tim got some nice loooooooong string from nigel fong and so we strung it around EVERY hole in the ball. its super hard work especially since the string cant bend by itself. this is the white version before tim coloured it.

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 3:44 PM

OMG INTERNET DOWN: saturday 30th sept

zzz oh man my internet is so screwed. its been dead for the past 2 days (today is saturday) and i cant go use the internet until it just got fixed. stupid construction. they are going to build an mrt station 5m away from my house and its only goign to be done when im jc2. then im in the army dammit. so im going to waste like from sec1-jc1 (5 years) putting up with the construction and the dust and the road shifting and the blockages when im only going to use it for 1 year. grrr. so once in a while, they will accidentally step or break some wire and so the internet just poofs off. so im a few posts late zzz. GOOD NEWS: the construction for the new block is almost done and we can move in there on thursday!!!

today i went for a wedding. yup my cousin's wedding. and im going to be attending a lot more weddings in the next few years to come. (so i labelled this 1wedding) ive got 30 odd cousins cos my dad has 12 siblings!!! omgnerf! and my mum has like 5 or 6 so that makes a lot of children. the fertility rate in my family is high so everyone has like 2 or 3 kids. and im the youngest on both sides meaning that my oldest cousin's age is equivalent to my third oldest cousin's age plus me which is like super nerf!!! everyone is now 20+ liao. so u can guess how old my oldest cousin is. so im stuk at 14 and everyone has a job and i feel nub. well back to the wedding. my brother wasnt going cos he said he was going to "study" for EOYs. im sure lor. sec4 ip got study so hard meh? my cousin who is an OBS instructor was going to climb some mountain after the wedding and here was my brother at home "mugging"! so then it was held at 4 Seasons. wow. sounds posh. so i go for the cocktail and LUNCH! its a wedding LUNCH! lololol ive never heard of a wedding lunch. so i had to leave early from softball to go for the wedding.

but the food was so-so. maybe cos i dint feel full. we had 9 pple at our table so the waitress had to divide EVERY dish into 9 portions. thats super small. so u will just watch her divide and hope for the biggest one zzz. and then the big pple they go talk about NS and global econs and im just listening. but still i mean every dish she had to divide. and each table was assigned a 10-person dish so some tables wihth 4 pple had like UBER BIG AMOUNT OF FOOD!!! it was a 6 or 7 courser? i cant remember i was jsut waiting for the food. they would play some grand music and then all the waiters/waitresses will just stream out of the kitchen. so action but it was nice to watch. and then the normal wedding stuff. then there were 2 VIP tables. i thot wow VIP so they would get more food. but nooo they got a different course. i thot my desert was the best thing in the menu. it was white mousse? with like some cherry rasberry sause with a heart-casing made out of chocolate and pistachios. so then the "VIP" table got RED BEAN SOUP! lol jacked. its quite sad. they assume the VIP tables are for old pple so they got this them RED BEAN SOUP. but the desert at my table was so rich with cream that i felt full.

i shall wait for my internet to work again. this is so stupid. zzz. for now ill write in notepad.

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 3:33 PM

OMG INTERNET DOWN: friday 29th sept

woops my internet crashed and i couldnt post this. anyway this is friday's post:

oh man today was like the neverending pit of boredom. i didnt even know there was going to be an r.e. finals afterskool today until i was told indirectly last nite.

me: hi foot (my captain) so tmrw got foto shoot?

foot: yah jonny. so try to sneak out of it

me: sneak out of wat?

foot: sneak out of the LT lah... so stupid


foot: wah lao cos your re finals stupid

me: ??? who say got?

foot: we already had ours on wed budden yours is tmrw

me: WAHH WHO TOLD U WAN and its after skool?

foot: theodore lor. hes the mc so he will hav to skip foto shoot.

me: [super ultra chaoji pissed]

and i was supposed to do a project. damn. it started at 11.30. and ended at 2.20!!! i mean like its a friday dammit? it has to be the most waste of time in my life. then we heard the mc say that ea group only had 10 minutes to present. i was like whew! that will be fast thank goodness. i had a photoshoot at 1 for softball so i had to leave earlier. so the first group goes and talks. they exceed the time limit but they just keep on going until the mc had to stop them. and the question and answer session was hell. it was super long. there was a mike for students to ask questions but those who went did not even get a chance to speak. the judges were asking questions and it took ages for the reply to come and this went on. so in the end the first group took 35 minutes. wow and i thot it would be short. and the second group went and they did on periwinkles and chester was behind me getting pissed. he was mumbling "who cares man" and that went on super long. i wasnt relli interested. but then freedom came when it was my photoshoot.

so i went down to take photoshoot and it ended at 1.30. wow 1.30 and they still werent out. we were told they would end by 1.30. so silly as i was, i went back to class and saw zeb and abel. they said they had to go eat lunch. so they asked me to join them but since i was doing project with tim and diao i said ill go back in. and that was the dumbest decisiion of my life. i mean how stupid can i be? i went in and everyone was just gawking cos i just threw my only chance of freedom. i was the freedom fighter and i jsut walked back into the land of never ever coming out. that was sooo stupid and chester was like "wth u come in for?" and i finally realised the severity of my stupid decision. and there was no turning back... gah and then we had to wait for the judges to come back with the results. and it was sooo funny. since there were 5 finalists, there would be 2 honorary mention and 3 awards. so the groups were sitting in the front row. the group furthest left started and right ended. and the awards went exactly by sitting order, left to right. LOL owned. those who went first got last lor and then so it was like left-right: honorary, honorary, third, second, FIRST! so funny. then when it finally ended after wasting 2 extra afterskool hours. and the mc's had to follow the script they were given. and then theodore goes and says "well, all good things must come to an end." and everyone was like WTH!!! it is so ironic and everyone just blew it and went hysterical. 3+ hours trapped in an LT1, 2 non skool hours and so this "goodthing" has ended. zzz [pissed]

Jonathan Lian blogged @ 3:30 PM

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About Me.

Name: Jonathan Lian
Age: 18 (i wish -.-) I'm only 14 lah...
Country: Singapore living in some ulu place
ME :)
Sport: SOFTBALL owns all butt
Hair colour: Black
Height: 160cm and growing
What i want to be when i grow up: A CHEF!!! at some nice chinese takeaway

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